New Chapter

Created by tammy 15 years ago
Anthony Daved Booth(aka Bollen) age 20 only just my little del boy stapleford one special brother Jack and also his little brothers and sisters Harley Billy &Keyleigh My baby was one in a million you will never find another Ant always wheeling & dealing with a happy smiley face you could not help but fall in love with him .Blonde hair blue eyed boy. Lived life to the max boy racing in his little bangers but he thought they were great.Always so funny messing about with all his mates and even me. He caught a rare blood disorder, aplastic anaemia that affects one in two million people thats how special he was. We are setting up a charity to help other children and their parents, the Anthony Booth Trust. Ant we love you so muchxxxxxx To live in who's hearts has loved you is to live forever. Theres a big space in our hearts that has been reserved for you A place so beautiful were we are with you xxxx You was a boy racer racing in cars Now your in heaven racing the stars xxx Baby I love u so much xxxxx